Theatre Living in ACTion (Buh Dum Psh....)

Day #2:
A Musical That Makes You Happy

The Little Mermaid

Yep. Color me cutesy, but The Little Mermaid is a musical that I love and totally makes me happy. However, I do have to comment on the idea of "A Musical That Makes You Happy". I realize that I am sometimes cynical, but as I was going through my mental file cabinet, trying to decide which musical could work for this category, I kept struggling. Every musical that I could think of that delights me and fills me with joy, puppies, and unicorns also has moments that are completely sad and devastating. Yes, even The Little Mermaid.  So, how does one make such a choice? Well, although this particular musical has parts that are dark and creepy along with a few "D'awwwwwwwww! The poor baby!" moments, I can still say that there is nothing quite like a Disney happy ending, and let's face it....Ariel is adorable. Particularly if you happen to catch Sierra Boggess' Ariel, which is utterly fantastic. 

On that note, if you happen to take a look outside of the fact that this is a big Disney musical you might notice that it could totally stand on it's own as a well put together musical with great characters, music, and story. The songs that Alan Menken and his lyricists added to the show are great and the costumes, creative set, and choreography are amazing. And I'm sorry....but Flounder?? LOOK AT HIM! Adorable....
Cute as a friggin bright yellow and green button....and to top it off...this kid has PiPES!!! But really.... (   he comes in around 1:30)

And if none of the above can convince you to check this musical out, consider this: live, choreographed versions of "Under The Sea" and "Kiss The Girl". Yep. No more arguing needed. Show. Is. Awesome. 

So, I am sharing a few super short clips from the show, but you can find the entire show (pre-broadway) on YouTube in parts. Not the best quality, but enough to feed the average addict! 

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Livvi Renee