Theatre Living in ACTion (Buh Dum Psh....)

Day #3:
A Musical That Makes You Sad

The Secret Garden

This is, hands down, one of my favorite musicals of all time. The Secret Garden has some of the most beautiful music every written for a musical.  I have both acted in it and listened to it often, yet it can still bring me to tears every single time I hear the soundtrack. Of course it helps that it is based on a wonderful book with a fantastic story and amazing characters, but the musical really takes the story to a whole new level. So haunting, lovely, sincere, and sweet. Not to mention heartbreaking, dark, and yet still full of hope. While this musical is devastating at times, there is a certain optimism that carries you through. There is little more that I can say, except that this is a musical that every one should have a chance to enjoy. Listen to it. Be open to the sadness. Enjoy it's delightful characters and fall in love with the music. 

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