Theatre Living in ACTion (Buh Dum Psh....)

Day #4:
 Favourite Song From a Musical


"Fly, Fly Away"


Catch Me If You Can

So for some strange reason, I have become pretty obsessed with this song, which I'm pretty sure also qualifies as a guilty pleasure. However, if you take a closer look at it's fabulousness, you'll realize that it can be enjoyed on a bunch of different levels. On the one had it's very sweet and endearing since Brenda is a total cutie pie who is singing with complete and utter sincerity. Meanwhile, it's also pretty hilarious in a kind of "awwwww, she's being funny without realizing it" sort of way. It's also great stylistically since this show is set in the 60s and the music is written to reflect that. Gotta love that older musical feel with modern day voices!

I also love this song in a dorky artist way. It's a challenge to sing, it has a decent range, and it takes alot of vocal control. Not to mention, she's a pretty fun character. So as a singer I get to say "Ooo! A challenge!" and it makes me happy in my dorky music obsessed brain. So, without further ado.....

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Livvi Renee